Advocate Art is a platform which allows illustrators to find trusted agents, without having all the additional problems that come from conventional agencies. The main thing that sets us apart is by allowing all of our illustrators to conduct business affairs of their own accord, allowing them to decide fair prices for their work, as well as negating content, new designs and timelines without unnecessary influence from a third party.
All of our illustrators are pre-vetted and professional, and pride themselves on fully meeting any brief asked, attempting to surpass expectations all of the time. We have an extremely high retention rate, which shows that artists love our business model, and we are constantly evolving, seeking to always place the illustrator at the heart of everything we do.
Our Goals
We pride ourselves on being able to help illustrators find trusted agents. Having been in the industry for many years, and having years of personal experience with other illustration agencies, we know the frustrations that can come from trying to find illustrator agents who are worth working with.
This is exactly why we founded advocate art; firstly, we remove the stresses and hassle of working with difficult agents who don’t really care about you or your work. It is far too common within the industry to have agents who only view the business side of things and pay little attention to the creative processes that all art inherently involves. By only working with illustrator agents who appreciate the true value of your work and understand the effort that goes into the whole creative process from conception to the finished piece, you can ensure that your agent can be fully trusted.
Secondly, we aim to take the middleman out of the communications between illustrators and their agents. All too often platforms are created where illustrators and agents don’t have direct contact with each other, instead communicating through a third party. We believe that many of the subtle nuances that need to be expressed between the illustrator and agent get lost in this ‘Chinese whispers’ like business approach, and pride ourselves on allowing the creative juices to flow unhindered by unnecessary steps in communication.
How We Can Help You
Not only does our approach remove these third party complications, as well as by ensuring that you can find a trusted agent, we also have a number of other unique features that benefit artists and illustrators. We have developed an online portal, entitled ARTicle, which allows all of our artists to be able to clearly see the back office functions of our business. This means all royalty management and credit control can be seen by our illustrators, proving that we value our illustrators, and allowing you to be sure that you can trust us as an illustration agency.
Furthermore, we heavily promote re-sales of existing work, allowing our illustrators to sustain a steady flow of income from their existing work, giving you the peace of mind that any and all of your artistic creations help to generate additional income.